The HTS Roundtable
High and Very High Throughput Satellite Systems: GEOs . MEOs . LEOs
December 7th . 2023 . 14:00 UK Time (GMT)
Held Bi-Annually in London and Washington DC as a person to person event since 2012... the HTS Roundtable has evolved, with the satellite industry, from the hugely powerful FSS satellites launched shortly after the turn of the decade, through to the current era of multi-sized, multi earth orbit, mega-constellations of communications satellites and their hyperconvergence with terrestrial technologies, initially to meet the demands and requirements of remote connectivity scenarios but more recently, to enhance the capability of terrestrial networks to cope with exponentially rising data volumes, not just in remote locations but urban settings too. The HTS Roundtable has featured speakers from all of the Satellite Operators, Service Providers and Equipment Designers.

Moderated by
Space Intel Report
Peter de Selding, Editor in Chief
14.00 c21-virtual
Paul Stahl, Executive
Opening Remarks (Mp4.Recording)
14.05 Airbus Defence & Space
Antonio Castillo, Technology Development Manager
The Future of Satellite Communications (Pdf.Slides) (Mp4,Recording)
Synopsis: Airbus Defence and Space will present its predictions for the future of satellite communications. The company will show how it is addressing customer needs with technology innovation.
Antonio has been with Airbus for over thirteen years working at first on commercial satellite payload systems, then over seven years in the helicopter communications division and finally, for the last four years. as Technology Development Manager for Connectivity and Cybersecurity. His expertise includes, but is not limited to, Spectrum Management, Mobile Communications, 5G, Radio Communication, Secure Network Architecture, Virtualization and Laser Communications.
14.25 Gilat Satellite Networks
Gil Elizov, Vice President Products
Ground and Space Harmony in The New Elastix Space Era (Pdf.Slides) (Mp4.Recording)
Synopsis: Elasticity in satellite communication is more crucial than it’s ever been before… having the ability to adapt, expand and deploy network resources in real-time to maximize the capabilities of next-generation satellite technology. This presentation will illuminate the importance of Elastix architecture in the new elastiX era, the importance of standards in the new elastiX era (like DIFI and 5G NTN… for instance) and the need for cloudification of satellite networks.
Gil is currently VP products, with 20+ years of experience in the satellite communications industry, mostly with Gilat Satellite Networks which designs deep tech solutions for satellite, ground and now new space connectivity, providing comprehensive end-to-end solutions and services, aimed at delivering communication solutions to every corner of the world. Among Gilat’s key applications are broadband access, mobility, cellular backhaul, military, government, and enterprise.
14.45 CGI
Gareth Hartwell, Director Of Consulting Services, Defence, Space, and Intelligence
High Throughput LEO Constellations + Terrestrial.. How to Provide Rail Connectivity, even in the Most Challenging Conditions? (Pdf.Slides) (Mp4.Recording)
Synopsis: Based on the CGI experience from recent trials on the North York Moors... This presentation will describe the challenge train operators have in providing connectivity for passengers and train crews and how new generations of LEO satellites like OneWeb can be used. This presentation will also describe how a solution trialled in October, in extremely challenging conditions, with 60% terrestrial connectivity, obtained some very good results.
Gareth is leading programmes related to the application of satellite communications within the rail and aviation sectors including the recent trial of LEO satellite services to provide seamless passenger Wifi on the remote North York Moors Railway. CGI is among the largest IT and business consulting services firms in the world... active in 21 industries across 400 locations worldwide, providing Business consulting, Systems integration, Intellectual Property, Managed IT, Business process services, Digital transformation, and emerging technology.
15.05 Ramon.Space
Steve Good, Chief Business Officer
Re-defining HTS (Pdf.Slides)
Synopsis: With the advent of power-efficient earth-like computing solutions in space, the term High Throughput Satellite is going through a redefinition as new intelligent innovations will be implemented to truly change the allocation of resources on-the-fly and ensure maximum throughputs are achieved. Additionally, gone are the days of set-it-and-forget-it satellites as spacecraft can now be reprogrammed and truly “learn on the job”, pushing High Throughput to levels unseen in the past.
Steve is the Chief Business Officer with Ramon.Space having spent three decades working in the satellite industry with Comtech EF Data, Hughes Network Systems, Intelsat, Verestar and Thales Alenia Space. Ramon.Space is committed to making the final frontier possible by bringing Earth-like computing infrastructure to Space. The company equips satellites with storage, processing and connectivity capabilities to enable the next generation of space applications and services.
15.25 Calian Advanced Technologies
Russ Palmer, Vice President Software Solutions
Orchestrating Space and Ground (Pdf.Slides) (Mp4.Recording)
Synopsis: As software-defined satellites offer the industry unprecedented increases in bandwidth and flexibility, they also introduce more complexity in coordinating changes between the satellites and the ground segment. Calian’s resource management and orchestration solutions empower the operations between space and ground by seamlessly facilitating the interaction and adaptability between the satellites and the ground segment.
Russ is responsible for Software Defined Solutions within Calian Advanced Technologies’ Space division. Russ and his team design and deliver innovative and advanced systems for satellite communications and earth observations. Calian is a global supplier of highly technical solutions, services and products to, among others, the satellite industry... working with key clients including Canadian Department of National Defence, Inmarsat, Intelsat, European Space Agency, Space Systems Loral, Boeing, Hughes, Lockheed Martin, Sirius XM Satellite Radio and Cobham SATCOM.
15.45 DLR (German Aerospace Centre)
Sandro Scalise, Head of Satellite Networks Department
High and Very High Throughput Satellite Systems: Trends, Challenges and Enablers (Pdf.Slides)
Synopsis: Based on the ongoing work in a number of R&D projects, this presentation will highlight some of the major trends, challenges and enablers in order to pave the way for the successful integration of non-terrestrial networks with its terrestrial counterpart.
Sandro joined DLR (German Aerospace Centre) in 2001 where he is currently leading the Satellite Networks Department, dealing with the conception, design and demonstration of new satellite systems. Since 2016 he is also lecturing "Satellite Communications" at the Technical University of Munich. He is IEEE Senior Member, received the "Satellite Communications Distinguished Service Award" from IEEE ComSoc in 2013 and is co-author of more than 70 international journal and conference papers.
16.05 Neul Space
Denis Sutherland, Chief Executive Officer
Innovations in Space... the Role of AI (Pdf.Slides) (Mp4.Recording)
Synopsis: This presentation will explore the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the space industry. AI is becoming increasingly important in all industries, as it allows for the processing and analysis of large amounts of data. This presentation will discuss some specific examples of how AI is being used in the space industry, including high throughput satellite and more. We will also explore some of the challenges and opportunities associated with the use of AI. Overall, this presentation will emphasize the importance of AI in the space industry and the innovations it is enabling.
Denis is a space industry veteran having spent close to two decades with what is now ST Engineering iDirect, and more recently as the UK Space Lead with Microsoft Azure. He has recently founded Neul Space to provide digital fuel to commercial Space, Telco and Service Provider players. He advises on Digital Transformation, Cloud, Space Data, Geospatial, Satellite, IP networking, AI and Compute in Space.
16.25 Lecote (Applied Space Technology Lawyers)
Andrew Sparrow, Founder & Principal Lawyer
Global Space Traffic Management... Is there a Plan? (Mp4.Recording)
Synopsis: The current and predicted exponential growth in satellite numbers enabling space-based services, has implications for preserving safe operating regions, as the risk of disruption to those services from collisions becomes greater. We examine the moves and regulatory changes needed to coordinate global space traffic so that - space objects fulfil their life cycle, economic, security and societal imperatives are safeguarded, and the industry can adapt to meet future governance.
Lecote Solicitors was established specifically to focus on and provide niche legal advice for companies in the emerging Internet industry and in 1996, Andrew was one of the first lawyers in the UK to identify and pursue Internet legal issues including intellectual property, license agreements, and data protection. He has expanded his expertise to include the commercial space sector, with a particular interest in the fusion of commercial space, AI, and the law.