Connected Future Transport Systems
Air, Sea, Surface and Rail
July 18th . 2024 . 14:00 UK Time
A blend of showcase presentations and panel discussion attracting close to 1,000 attendees. Through connectivity use-cases... this edition will focus on Air, Surface, Road and Rail systems. Previous speakers include representatives of high profile organisations such as Silversea Cruises, Nissan Motor Corp., Volvo Corp., SNCF, British Rail, Stanford University and Emirates Airlines among others. The connected car, pedestrian and surrounding infrastructure, the connected train and passenger, enabled through converged Space and Earth based wireless communications technologies providing ubiquitous connectivity, are the central themes for this programme.

14:00 Opening Remarks
- c21-virtual
Paul Stahl - Executive Director
14:05 Session 1: Surface
- 5GAA
Maxime Flament - CTO
Synopsis: 5GAA is the global automotive and telco industry association promoting harmonised deployment of connected vehicle solutions leading to safer, smarter and greener transport as well as increased levels of automation. This presentation provides an overview of the current V2X use case deployment in major markets and challenges.
Bio: Dr. Flament represents 5GAA, the global cross-industry association for the development of connected and automated cars, where he works as Chief Technology Officer since 2018. Maxime has more than 20 years of experience in mobile networks, connected & automated vehicles, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems, and Intelligent Transport Systems. Maxime holds a PhD and MSc in Mobile Communication Systems from Chalmers Technical University, Sweden. He was visiting researcher at Stanford University, CA, USA.
- Intelsat
Scott Congdon - Market Development & Partnership Management
Synopsis: Historically, commercial vehicle operators and logistics/traffic managers have relied upon telematics data and asset location tools to best manage their fleets. Going forward, these tools alone will not bring the benefits promised in the digital transformation of the on-road trucking industry. Managing a successful commercial fleet that deliver profits and a competitive advantage requires ubiquitous, always-on connectivity and the integration of ever more complex data applications, software and platforms. Integrating high-performance multi-orbit satellite connectivity as a complement to existing terrestrial cellular connectivity is the foundation to fleet operational cost containment and service differentiation.
Bio: Scott Congdon is a member of the Commercial Business Development team at Intelsat, operator of one of the world’s largest integrated satellite and terrestrial networks. Scott has been with Intelsat since 2016 and was a key member of the Intelsat product team that created and launched the FlexMove land mobility solution in February 2020. Prior to Intelsat, Scott held several senior level positions in business and market development, sales and finance within the satellite industry, international fiber and IP networking companies, as well as commercial and consumer electronics manufacturers.
- Ford Motor Company
Vijayakumar Kempuraj - Digital Twin Leader
Bio: Vijaya has a 15 year track record with Ford Motor Company, in both the retail and fleet businesses... he is currently their Digital Twin Leader and has extensive experience in Connected Vehicle Technology and has spoken at a number of high profile industry events on a number of subjects.
15:10 Featured Presentation (In-Flight Connectivity)
Aditya Chatterjee - Senior Vice President Aviation Product Management
Synopsis: Join Aditya Chatterjee from SES into the active world of inflight connectivity. From increasing passenger expectations to cutting-edge satellite technology, we’ll explore how airlines are revolutionizing the passenger experience. Discover the role of SES Open Orbits, connected aircraft, and SES’s satellites in shaping the future of IFC.
Bio: Aditya currently serves as SVP Aviation Product Management having previously held the position of Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Vice President of Engineering and Product Development at Spacenet. His expertise spans connectivity solutions, engineering, and product development. His insights and leadership contribute to SES’ mission of providing cutting-edge satellite solutions to enhance global connectivity.
15:30 Session 2: Rail
Panel session: Can Satellites Help with Reliable Communications for Staff and Passengers on-board Trains?
- Moderator - CGI
Alan Whitelaw - Senior Business Consultant for Space Data Platforms and Applications
Bio: Alan Whitelaw is a strategic and technical consultant working mainly in the space sector covering satellite construction and applications development in Earth observation, telecoms and navigation. He worked on developing the case for the EU Galileo GNSS and ESA’s Copernicus programmes as well as weather / climate modelling and high performance computing applications. In satcom he has acted as lenders technical adviser on various satcom programmes and has recently worked on business aspects of CGI’s ESA SODOR rail project and CGI’s development of the ESA 5G Hub.
Gareth Hartwell - Director Consulting Services, SDPA
Synopsis: Gareth will be talking about CGI’s work with various partners to use satellite to improve onboard communication for passengers and train operators. He will focus on their trials to demonstrate seamless passenger Wifi and their recent work on their multi-bearer routing solution to demonstrate how satellite and terrestrial services can be integrated to provide very high throughput.
Bio: Gareth is Director Consulting Services at CGI with responsibility for satcoms application to transport such as rail and aviation. He has almost 30 years’ experience working on satellite and terrestrial communications projects and is the Programme Manager for CGI’s work on the Satellites For Digitalisation of Railways (SODOR) project co-funded by the European Space Agency.
- European Space Agency (ESA)
Enrico Spinelli - Lead - Rail Projects across Europe
Synopsis: ESA promotes the use of space technologies in non space domains. Rail is one of the non space domain where space can help in developing innovative applications and services. Enrico will tell us more about what ESA can do for rail, specifically through the ESA Space 4 Rail Downstream Applications call for proposals.
Bio: Enrico works as Applications Engineer at ESA/ESTEC in the downstream area. He supports companies in developing commercial services using space technologies in the rail and aviation sectors, after an extensive experience within ESA and industry in the transportation domain.
David Wilson - Head of IT
Synopsis: LNER need to deliver excellent customer service as part of their mission to get people choosing the train as their first choice for inter city travel. This includes the role of a more reliable onboard Wifi especially for younger people. David will discuss the business case for investing in Wifi and the potential role for satellite and other bearer technologies to provide this.
Bio: David has been a the forefront of exploring innovation to improve the customer services on LNER’s fleet such as providing reliable passenger Wifi, including working on satellite options including a trial with Network Rail as well as working with CGI on the SODOR project.
- Lithuanian Trains
Mindaugas Bereiša - Head of Maintenance Innovations Department
Bio: Mindaugas is currently Head of Maintenance Innovations Department with Lithuanian Trains where he is improving efficiencies leveraging predictive maintenance implementation, data analyses and new technologies for maintenance optimization and planning as well as Data reporting and management control automation and Data Science development in engineering diagnostics methodologies.
- Scottish Futures (Scottish Futures involvement in projects to improve communication in rural communities in Scotland, including rail. They are involved in working with ScotRail and LEO solutions.)
Robert Gardner - Associate Director
Synopsis: Low Earth Orbit satellite communications, both broadband and direct-to-mobile, are likely going to herald a new era in railway communications as the industry moves towards the ETSI-defined Future Railway Mobile Communications System (or FRMCS) over the next decade or so. In Scotland, a project has been established to equip a small fleet of trains with Starlink satellite broadband to enable an ultrafast passenger Wi-Fi experience as well as connectivity for important train operator purposes. The system is securely designed to enable the future testing of safety-related railway operational systems.
Bio: Robert is an Associate Director with Scottish Futures where he is trying to predict the future digital connectivity landscape, which, in all likelihood, satellite communications technology is going to play an ever stronger role. He was previously a Senior Innovation Engineer with Network Rail, which owns and operates all of the UK's railroad, and he is currently working with ScotRail on the best possible connectivity solutions for their rail network.
- OneWeb
Ben Allen - Communications Systems Engineering
Synopsis: This presentation touches on how satellite communications have the potential to open up new connectivity for railway, including for passengers, staff and operations. Several use cases are explored in the context of a journey.
Bio: Professor Ben Allen is Director of Communication Systems Engineering with Eutelsat-OneWeb and Visiting Professor at the University of Surrey. His current responsibilities include air interface definition for ‘NextGen’ and technical lead for a UK-Space Agency / European Space Agency project charged with demonstrating back-hauling of a 5G terrestrial mobile networks over the Eutelsat-OneWeb LEO system. Prior to this, he worked for Network Rail developing innovative telecommunications technologies, including as a Royal Society Industry Fellow.