Was derived from EMP, which since 2002 had organised roundtable style satellite communications focused conferences across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, North America, South America, and Europe, more than 150 in-person events in total. The c21-virtual series of virtual conferences was formed in early 2020 to analyse hyperconverged terrestrial and non-terrestrial hybrid connectivity solutions for planet-wide, ubiquitous connectivity, with a spotlight on selected industry applications.
Corporate Sponsors 2025

The 5th Epoch Series...
The “5th Epoch Series”, virtual conferences, launched by c21-virtual in 2024, will emphasise the impact of NewAge technologies and their transformation of future communications networks. This includes AI, Virtualisation, Augmented Reality, SDN, 5G / 6G, IoT, the Metaverse, Digital Twin, Multi Earth Orbit Non-Terrestrial Network solutions delivering ubiquitous connectivity... and more.

Why the 5th Epoch Series?
The six epochs of technology evolution are set out by Ray Kurzweil in his 2024 book, The Singularity is Nearer. The fifth Epoch is defined by the convergence of human intelligence and experience and human technology… and eventually human biology. We are at this point now. In practical terms, it marks a transformative and disruptive time whereby NewAge technologies are reshaping industries at an unprecedented rate. The degree of technological advancement achieved in the last forty years is likely to be repeated in the next ten. This is a fast-moving picture, all industries face significant challenges, and leaders must prepare for investment in ubiquitous deployment.
Who is involved?
The speaker and delegate profile that characterises c21-virtual conference programmes is unique in its diversity of subject matter expertise expertise. These contributors span multiple-industries and backgrounds. However, there is one common denominator... they are all specialists in the NewAge technologies that drive their networks and enhance their operational efficiencies. Following is a selected cross section of some of the organisations that have contributed speakers to c21-virtual programmes.
Cross Section of c21-virtual Speakers

Telco / Techco



Trade Associations / Government / Research Agencies / NGO